Case Studies
Los Angeles CicLAvia

Los Angeles, CA

build community, 
improve environment, 
reduce health disparities, 
reuse underutilized land, 
slow traffic, 


Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

By closing streets to traffic, ciclovías help families get outside to enjoy recreational use of our largest public space – our streets. Ciclovías started in Bogotá, Colombia, over thirty years ago as a reaction to city street congestion. Now events are held throughout Latin America and the United States, connecting communities and providing relief from the stress of car traffic.

CicLAvia makes the Los Angeles streets safer for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike. It provides a temporary free park and a corridor filled with fun simply by removing cars from public streets. Residents can explore the city and experience things that they may drive by every day, but don’t always notice – neighborhoods, historic buildings, churches, parks and public art. Other sights and experiences along the way may include musicians, dancers, costumes, political rallies, yoga, capoeira, and more. Community groups may publicize their efforts with “moving tables” that travel the route. Some activities and events are spontaneous and others are scheduled. Shops and restaurants along the CicLAvia are open for participants.

Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

CicLAvia addresses the need for reducing air pollution and traffic congestion. It encourages physical activity that can help reduce obesity and other health conditions impacted by lack of exercise. It addresses the scarcity of public open space and the opportunity to safely utilize active transportation modes, such as bicycling, walking and skateboarding.

In 2011, CicLAvia held a very successful event that converted seven and a half miles of streets into a car-free zone from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The relatively level route had restrooms and watering stations along the way. Funded in part through corporate sponsorship, and event partners include the City of Los Angeles, Metro, and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, additional events were also planned in addition to the cycling.

Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

Adapted from: CicLAvia

Lessons Learned
Potential Benefits:

  • Help families get outside to enjoy recreational use of our largest public space.
  • Increase the perception of Los Angeles streets being safer for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike.
  • Encourage physical activity that can help reduce obesity and other health conditions impacted by lack of exercise.
  • Increase social interaction and cohesion amongst a diverse range of people.
  • Allow residents and visitors to experience city streets from a different perspective.
  • Provide a high visibility venue for community services to be advertised and offered.
  • Stimulate economic activity.

Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

Potential Issues and Challenges:

  • Extensive Planning: To ensure a safe and successful event, extensive planning, resources and personnel are required. These include:
    • Obtaining sponsorships and creating partnerships (e.g. City of Los Angeles, Metro, and the LA Bicycle Coalition).
    • Selected route needed to meet a complex number of different criteria including having local landmarks and destination spaces, traverse a range of neighborhoods that included Koreatown, Boyle Heights, Little Tokyo, Fashion District, and East Hollywood, to enhance equitable participation, be of appropriate length (no shorter than 4 km and ideally at least 10 km in length as per the Ciclovia manual), be in good condition and relatively level so that it is easy for cyclists and pedestrians to traverse, conveniently accessible by bicycle, public transit and private vehicle, and have appropriate amount of parking for cars and bicyclists.

Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

  • Traffic and Access Impacts: The careful selection of the route and day of the event (usually weekend) ensured that the overall traffic impacts to surrounding areas are minimal despite closing a freeway off ramp. However, a number of other measures are taken to minimize any potential traffic and access impacts during the staging, break-up and duration of the event course of the event that include:
    • Maintain fire and medical emergency access for the event participants
    • Maintain access to nearby emergency providers including hospitals and fire stations.
    • Provide alternative access to local businesses and residents for any road closures.

Source: Flickr photo by waltarrrrr

  • Community Engagement: Extensive community engagement is needed to inform residents and businesses about the cicLAvia. These include hosting a website, door to door outreach, and using traditional and social media including blogs and twitter.
  • Cost: While providing a number of benefits, the cost of planning and conducting the CicLAvia is high. It is estimated that each 10 mile CicLAvia event costs the CicLAvia non-profit organization about $350,000. CicLAvia organization covers about 40% of the costs and the City of Los Angeles covering the remaining 60%. Key cost items include initial planning, outreach and publicity, insurance and permitting, closing a freeway off ramp, accommodating and renting and staging features such as temporary barricades, signage, restrooms, water stations, assistance stations, information kiosks, bicycle parking, and hosting a central command. CicLAvia was able to minimize the cost by using volunteers and raising money through sources that included sponsorships from corporations and foundations, donations and pledges (with attractive gifts such as stickers and buttons), and sales of raffle tickets.

Photo Sources

MIG, Inc.

Case Studies
Desert Harvesters
Tuscon, Arizona
beautify streetscape, 
build community, 
improve environment, 
prevent violence, 
reduce health disparities, 
slow traffic, 
view map


 Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Source: Google Earth 2012

Desert Harvesters is a nonprofit organization based in Tucson, Arizona, which promotes local food production by encouraging the native, food-bearing shade trees such as Velvet Mesquite. Desert Harvesters was initiated by Brad Lancaster, author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond. One of the key success stories of this movement can be experienced in the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood, which is bordered by Speedway Blvd to the north, Stone Avenue to the east, Sixth Street to the south and the Union Pacific railroad and Main Avenue to the west.

Mesquite trees. Source: Brad Lancaster,

Since 1996, more than 1,200 trees have been planted in Dunbar/Spring thanks to an annual tree-planting program and residents’ participation, including Mesquite, Palo Verde, Acacia, Hackberry, Ironwood and Desert Willow trees. The trees are planted in planting areas along the sidewalks and traffic circles. A key part of the street improvements has been the installation of traffic circles. Each traffic circle is taken care of by the residents living at the corner, growing various edible plants with street runoff. Some of the streets such as 6th and 9th Avenue are now filled with vegetation and large shade trees. The trees, which are purchased in five-gallon tubs for $8 each, come from Trees for Tucson, a local nonprofit program (Innes 2010).

Rainwater harvesting. Source: Brad Lancaster,

Besides using trees which promote food production, Desert Harvesters’ also creatively found a way of harvesting the rainwater—by cutting out a part of the curb and creating a water-catching basin around the native plants. As a result, the planting palette and the rainwater harvesting made the most of the desert climate of Tucson, which gets about 12 inches of rain per year.

Annual milling event source: Ruben Ruiz,

Desert Harvesters holds many events to encourage public participation and to educate local residents on how to harvest and process their produce. Since the organization purchased a hammer mill in 2003, they host an annual milling event, helping communities’ process mesquite flour. At the Dunbar/Spring breakfast, they proudly serve mesquite/whole-wheat pancakes made with all organic, local ingredients. The mesquite flour is made from native Velvet mesquite pods hand picked by Desert Harvesters around Tucson – with most of the pods picked from trees planted within the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood. The Desert Harvesters website also provides manuals for water harvesting, guides for eating native plants and recipes for cooking (visit for more information).

Lessons Learned
Potential Benefits:

  • Creates a “mesquite guild,” a small community of plants and animals. Underneath a mature mesquite tree, plants that need nitrogen benefit from the nitrogen-rich mesquite and the shade it provides. The mesquite guild attracts wildlife, such as native birds that provide fertilizer and reseeding. Lancaster says having trees shade up to 75 percent of a street's surface can cool summer neighborhood temperatures by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (Innes 2010).
  • Provides a local food source, including fruits and flowers from native trees.
  • Boosts the local economy:The Mesquite Milling Fiesta and Mesquite Pancake Breakfast at the Dunbar/Springs community garden attract tourists from out of town. In addition, individuals have discovered they can earn money by using the locally-produced ground flour in baked goods that are sold at farmers’ markets and at other outlets.
  • Builds community through public events, such as tree planting and milling, providing more opportunities for meeting and getting to know neighbors. People also take more responsibility for care of the neighborhood.
  • Educates community members about native and edible plants, harvesting rainwater and tree planting. The Desert Harvesters provide educational materials and annual workshops for beginners.

Potential Issues:

  • Neighborhood buy-in: Community participation is important to implementing the changes and maintaining the plants on the street.
  • The city’s support: Cutting curbs and installing traffic circles require the city’s permission. Planting of native species should also be encouraged through regulation.
  • Curbside parking: Curbside gardens should be designed carefully so that the gardens are not trampled when residents enter and exit parked vehicles.


Desert Harvesters (

City of Tucson, 2005. “Intersection Volume Counts” (

Innes, Stephanie, 2010. “Neighbors: Area's Trees Creating Cool Urban Effect” (

Photo Sources

MIG, Inc.

Case Studies
Quesada Street

San Francisco, California

beautify streetscape, 
build community, 
improve environment, 
prevent violence, 
reduce health disparities, 
reuse underutilized land, 
slow traffic, 
view map


Arbutus Corridor Community Gardens Source: Quesada Ave, Source: Google Earth 2012

The community garden on Quesada Avenue extends from Third Street on the east to Newhall Street on the west. It is located in the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood, a disadvantaged neighborhood in the southeastern part of San Francisco. The food is primarily grown on the median strip in Quesada Avenue, which is approximately 600 feet long and 20 feet wide. There is one 20-foot wide two-way road, including one parking lane, on the south side of the median and one 20-foot wide cul-de-sac on the north side. The cul-de-sac and the median were constructed to address changes in elevation. The block is constructed against a hill. The two lanes of Quesada Avenue followed the contours of the land, leaving the median in the middle.

Quesada Ave, Source: MIG

The designated traffic speed on Quesada Ave is 15 mph. The traffic is slower in the cul-de-sac section of the road and a little higher on the through section of the street. The average daily traffic volume on Quesada Avenue at 3rd Street is about 667 vehicles westbound and 662 vehicles eastbound per day (San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency 2010).

Before and after transformation of Quesada Ave. Source: Quesada Gardens Initiative and Liz Hafalia

The Quesada neighborhood was an unsafe place to live because of drug dealers and crime. There were many vacant houses and abandoned vehicles on the strip. Bayview-Hunter’s Point was deficient in environmental health assets, such as full-service grocery stores and safe public parks (San Francisco Department of Public Health 2006). In 2002 when Karl Paige and Annette Young Smith started the garden on the street median, the neighborhood began to change to a safer, healthier place. The street median had been a dumping ground for car parts, mattresses and other jetsam. This inspired the residents to form the Quesada Gardens Initiative, a grassroots, community-building movement that illustrates the possibilities of transforming a blighted neighborhood into a healthy community (Quesada Gardens).

Quesada Gardens Initiative

Community engagement is key to the success of the project. The Quesada Gardens Initiative (QGI), with about 30 residents considered as co-founders, shows the trend toward local, comprehensive approaches to sustainable social and environmental movements. QGI is a local change strategy created and led by the local residents. Karl Paige, one of the co-founding gardeners, passed away in 2007, but this grassroots movement did not stop. Annette Young Smith remains the Chair of QGI’s Board of Directors. Neighbors have developed various projects, including the Founders’ Memorial Vista, food and floral gardens, public art projects and events that increase community participation. Under QGI, residents have created nine community gathering spaces, 12 backyard gardens, two major murals and a stream of popular events. While the most efficacious food production happens in the over 20 large backyard gardens and the community projects devoted to food production, such as the Bridgeview Teaching and Learning Garden, QGI has generated social cohesion through the development of the median strip on Quesada Avenue. This has resulted in a symbol that resonates with those interested in urban agriculture, and a physical hub that supports food production throughout the QGI network of projects (Betcher 2011).

Neighborhood swap site. Source: MIG

QGI settled on resident-led design and implementation principles, as well as consensus-based decision-making processes to create the Quesada Gardens. The community-builders associated with the Quesada Gardens Initiative have been engaged in designing gardens, gathering spaces and public art in the neighborhood. In particular, Seth Wachtel, a professor at the University of San Francisco, and his students contributed to the design and building of the garden. They have attended community gatherings, recorded the consensus of the groups and created drawings. In the Quesada median strip there are variety of edible, ornamental and medicinal plants and flowers, such as collard, mustard and turnip greens, lettuce, cabbage, corn, peanuts, blue dahlia, lavender, aloe vera, sage, geraniums, calla lilies and cacti (Moody 2006). There are facilities like a composter on the strip, as well as a weekly volunteer program to support the urban agriculture. It is also a hub of a shared food program in the neighborhood, which was requested by Quesada residents. Food distribution is centered on families, churches and long-standing affinity group social networks (Betcher 2011).

Lessons Learned
Potential Benefits:

Mural celebrating the history and community leaders of the community garden. Source: MIG

  • Reduces health disparities by effectively encouraging better nutrition and physical activity.
  • Prevents violence by strengthening social cohesion across demographic lines and by developing respect among diverse residents.
  • Builds community by consistently involving new and long-term residents, and encouraging their reinvestment.
  • Slows traffic through the lush mix of plants and trees planted in the median (QuesadaGardensblog).
  • Reuses underutilized public land and demonstrates the potential for better utilizing other strips and small or irregular plots of land in the city.
  • Beautifies an unsightly median, transforming it into an attractive edible landscape that is the pride and joy of residents. It stops littering and dumping when other strategies have failed.
  • Improves the environment by reducing carbon emissions associated with transporting food. Visually, murals on adjoining walls not only celebrate the history of community garden, but provide the neighborhood with a unique sense of identity.
  • Catalyzes other community garden projects throughout the neighborhood.

Potential Issues:

  • Infrastructure: Some skill and expertise is needed to design and build the garden infrastructure.
  • Funding: Grant-writing and fundraising skills are needed to support the project.
  • Volunteer leadership: Strong project leadership is needed and volunteer burnout can create difficulties.
  • Crime and loitering: The installation of fake cameras has discouraged loitering and crime in the Quesada Gardens (Quesada Gardens Initiative Board Meeting).


San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2006. “Health Programs in Bayview Hunter’s Point & Recommendations for Improving the Health of Bayview Hunter’s Point Residents”(

Interview with Jeffrey Betcher, Quesada Gardens Initiative on June 30, 2011

Patricia Yollin, 2006, “4 Years After a Scrubby Median Patch was Planted, Crime is Down and Neighbors Cultivate Friendship as Well as Flowers” (

QuesadaGardensBlog,  “New Bayview Gardens!” (

QuesadaGardensBlog. “Quesada Garden Gets Serious About Food Production.” (

Quesada Gardens Initiative Board Meeting. April 13, 2009

Quesada Gardens Initiative. “History” (

San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency, July 2010. “ADT Counts.” (

Shelah Moody, 2006. “Jefferson Awards: Karl Paige and Annette Smith: Quesada Avenue Neighbors Transform a Dismal Median Strip into Bright Oasis” (

Photo Sources

MIG, Inc.


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